Friday, December 18, 2009

across a certain time spot

across a certain time spot glaring efficiency efficiently rose up against the day the orderly processional recall of all the all before, beyond be all nor any other lest again, again. if true indeed, in word we would have ever reconcile keeping order, yes that order, sighing scything full got and hastily return, who ever knew whoever might have ever imagined true being but the blessed little being ones flew home. lumpy gravy on lumpy grits. try again. fail better. it has been noted and again the way the wait lies alone atop the scale of difficulty of difficult elements. fragment bits, blood in the water, tears in the sand, scars on my pillow, shoes in my hand, gone to seed now going gone to be peace in the valley. is it not a question? it is of our time. in the grander scheme of being to become not so much much as to alone what is required to do the deed to be the deed blessing to be. there, i said it here.

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